Sunday, 6 January 2013

Sunday 6 Jan

Back to Mae Sot this morning. Left at 8:30am, 17C and prepared ourselves for the rocky ride back. Mountains on one side of the road, treacherous drops on the other, constantly swerving to miss potholes, ruts and the uneven road! 170km that took 4 1/2 hrs. I'll post the video and see if works. I'm sure we are going to wear out a set of brakes before we finish with the car. The road reminds me of Mt Tambourine, O'Reilly's and the Daintree all rolled into one. So beautiful!!
Time to unwind this afternoon and then we were invited to Big's for tea where his wife prepared a beautiful meal, rice, of course, with some stir-fried beans, carrots, tofu and cauliflower, then a surprisingly good sardine dish and the last one was a Karen ( pronounced Ka ren) dish where they ground the rice so it is like a thick soup with greens in it! There are nine that live in the house, Big, his wife and two children, his mum, nephew, sister and two others in a reasonable size house for what we have seen here.
(Can't seem to load video...lesson for another day... The map shows the first trip from Bangkok to Tak to Mae Sot. Then this last trip from Mae Sot half way into the wildlife sanctuary. The other map shows you how green it was!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds a bit like a roller coaster ride. You keep safe now, we need you back here in one piece. The flowers are tropical wonders.
