Thursday, 9 May 2013

Thursday, 9 May, 2013

What a wonderful breakfast we had to start the day! Strawberries, raspberries and blueberries followed a slice of pound cake with blueberries and a bit of cream! (Americans love sweet stuff for breakfast). We had cranberry juice, scrambled eggs with dill on an English muffin and very crisp bacon (baked in the oven to get it so crisp!) look at the size of the camellias that were on the tables! Fresh flowers were everywhere in the house.
We were going to go out to Martha's Vineyard but the weather forecast was rain and thunderstorms so we decided to drive around the Cape a bit more.
We started at the Stony Brook Mill to see the herring run. Much like salmon, they stay in the river system for awhile after they are born before heading out into the ocean for a few years. They then return to the fresh water where they were born to spawn. To do this they need to head up stream and there are usually rock formations that they need to jump up to continue upstream, a seemingly impossible job. Especially when the sea gulls sense when the "running" is occurring and realize they have easy meals. They sit on a roof of a nearby house (any wonder why the house is for sale?) ready to swoop. And swoop they do! Gee, they are greedy birds!
We then headed off to explore the town of Chatham, a fishing port at the southern end of the Cape. It was a really cute town and we walked up and down Main Street after stopping for a Hot Chocolate and coffee. We walked by a house for sale that overlooked the public golf course...nothing spectacular except the price...$2.3million. We were astounded!
I still can't get over the tulips growing everywhere. They are such a beautiful flower!
At the beach, the fog was rolling in and it turned really cold.
As it was only 2pm we decided to drive to Hyannis. The fog was heavy here too and the beach was not all that exciting. We drove around for awhile but nothing really grabbed us so we headed back to the B & B.
The restaurant where we went for dinner had bird feeders outside the windows where we were sitting. We saw a cardinal, red winged black bird and several tiny black and white finch looking birds. And I didn't have my camera!


  1. Wow, Kathy, you can take over the camera club when you get back. the photos are super. It must have been hard to capture the gulls grabbing the herrings and you managed. Well done.

  2. Pity about the weather. It looks a picturesque area. It is hard to find any country with beaches as good as ours.

  3. Use your phone when you forget your camera.
