Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Tuesday 7 May, 2013

Our room is so blacked out that we are having a hard time waking up before 8am, which is most unusual for us! My nose and cheeks are beet red due to the wind but today looks to be a glorious day. 16C when we headed out (previous days have barely had a high of 16C.)
We took the subway to the JFK Museum and Library. What an amazing place! We spent five and a half hours wandering through the museum...and me who dislikes museums..but I remember Kennedy so well that I really enjoyed the visit. They had short movies and snippets of different events. It was frightening to read how close we were to a nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis. They had replays of his acceptance speech at the Democratic Convention and his Inaugural speech when he was sworn in as president. It was the closest presidential election, Kennedy only winning by 115,000 votes and he didn't find out until the next morning. They had an area where Jackie told of her memories of the White House Days and displays of many of the gifts they had been given.
The library received a donation of a piece of the Berlin Wall and the first space capsule and these are on display. It also houses the largest American Flag, a gift from the architect of the building.


  1. What an amazing adventure - you have done so much so far :)
    Rach x

  2. Wow 5 hours in a museum it must have been fantastic for you to stay there so long.
